Tolkien (första förekomst) |
Åke Ohlmarks | Erik Andersson | Kamelen |
Yule (Bok VI, kapitel 9: Grå hamnarna) |
jul | jule | jule |
Tolkiens översättningsguide | |||
Yule. The midwinter counterpart of Lithe. It only occurs in The Lord of the Rings in Appendix D, and 'Midwinter' only occurs once during the main narrative. The midwinter festival was not an Elvish custom, and so would not have been celebrated in Rivendell. The fellowship, however, left on December 25, which had then no significance, since the Yule, or its equivalent, was then the last day of the year and the first of the next year. But December 25 (setting out) and March 25 (accomplishment of the quest) were intentionally chosen by me.
In translation, Yule should like Lithe be treated as an alien word not generally current in the Common Speech. It should therefore be retained, though with a spelling suitable to the language of translation: so for example in Danish or German spelt Jule. Yule is found in modern English (mostly as a literary archaism), but this is an accident, and cannot be taken to imply that a similar or related word was also found in the Common Speech at that time: the hobbit calendar differed throughout from the official Common Speech calendars. It may, however, be supposed that a form of the same word had been used by the Northmen who came to form a large part of the population of Gondor (III 328), and was later in use in Rohan, so that some word like Yule was well known in Gondor as a 'northern name' for the midwinter festival; somewhat like the appearance in modern German of Jul (as a loan from the North?), in such words as Julblock 'Yule-log' and Julklapp (as in Swedish and similarly in Danish). In Scandinavia, of course Jule would be well understood. |
Kommentar | |||
Vi kan väl börja med att påpeka att Tolkien faktiskt har fel: ordet Yule förekommer visst i själva ringsagan! Det nämns två gånger i verkets sista kapitel, The Grey Havens.
Här finns det egentligen bara en fråga för oss: "jul" eller "jule"? (Däremot inte "Jule", som Tolkien föreslår: såväl högtider som månadsnamn skrivs med gemener i svenskan.) Jag väljer nog "jule", med e på slutet, för att få en aningen mer exotisk känsla för ordet, precis som engelsmännen får. Att använda bara "jul" skulle ju ge de svenska läsarna samma känsla som de engelska hade fått om det hade stått Christmas. (I The Hobbit däremot, där ordet också förekommer, skulle jag nog översätta till bara "jul", för att inte krångla till saker och ting för de förmodat unga läsarna. Men jag har inga planer på att översätta The Hobbit!) I övrigt vad gäller månadsnamn och sånt, se kommentaren till Lithe. Senast uppdaterad: 2023-06-02 23:47:08 |
Tolkien | Åke Ohlmarks |
Yule | jul |
Erik Andersson | Kamelen |
jule | jule |
Tolkiens översättningsguide | |
Yule. The midwinter counterpart of Lithe. It only occurs in The Lord of the Rings in Appendix D, and 'Midwinter' only occurs once during the main narrative. The midwinter festival was not an Elvish custom, and so would not have been celebrated in Rivendell. The fellowship, however, left on December 25, which had then no significance, since the Yule, or its equivalent, was then the last day of the year and the first of the next year. But December 25 (setting out) and March 25 (accomplishment of the quest) were intentionally chosen by me.
In translation, Yule should like Lithe be treated as an alien word not generally current in the Common Speech. It should therefore be retained, though with a spelling suitable to the language of translation: so for example in Danish or German spelt Jule. Yule is found in modern English (mostly as a literary archaism), but this is an accident, and cannot be taken to imply that a similar or related word was also found in the Common Speech at that time: the hobbit calendar differed throughout from the official Common Speech calendars. It may, however, be supposed that a form of the same word had been used by the Northmen who came to form a large part of the population of Gondor (III 328), and was later in use in Rohan, so that some word like Yule was well known in Gondor as a 'northern name' for the midwinter festival; somewhat like the appearance in modern German of Jul (as a loan from the North?), in such words as Julblock 'Yule-log' and Julklapp (as in Swedish and similarly in Danish). In Scandinavia, of course Jule would be well understood. |
Kommentar | |
Vi kan väl börja med att påpeka att Tolkien faktiskt har fel: ordet Yule förekommer visst i själva ringsagan! Det nämns två gånger i verkets sista kapitel, The Grey Havens.
Här finns det egentligen bara en fråga för oss: "jul" eller "jule"? (Däremot inte "Jule", som Tolkien föreslår: såväl högtider som månadsnamn skrivs med gemener i svenskan.) Jag väljer nog "jule", med e på slutet, för att få en aningen mer exotisk känsla för ordet, precis som engelsmännen får. Att använda bara "jul" skulle ju ge de svenska läsarna samma känsla som de engelska hade fått om det hade stått Christmas. (I The Hobbit däremot, där ordet också förekommer, skulle jag nog översätta till bara "jul", för att inte krångla till saker och ting för de förmodat unga läsarna. Men jag har inga planer på att översätta The Hobbit!) I övrigt vad gäller månadsnamn och sånt, se kommentaren till Lithe. Senast uppdaterad: 2023-06-02 23:47:08 |