Tolkien (första förekomst) |
Åke Ohlmarks | Erik Andersson | Kamelen |
Evermind (Bok III, kapitel 6: Den gyllene hallens konung) |
evighetsblommor | städseminna | evigminne |
Tolkiens översättningsguide | |||
Evermind. A flower-name, translation of Rohan simbelmynë. The element -mind has the sense 'memory'; the name thus resembles 'forget-me-not', but a quite different kind of flower is intended: an imagined variety of anemone, growing in turf like Anemone pulsatilla, the pasqueflower, but smaller and white like the wood anemone. Translate by sense. The Swedish and Dutch versions both omit the element -mind, and so produce names equivalent to 'everlasting flower', which is not the point. Though the plant bloomed at all seasons, its flowers were not 'immortelles'. (The Swedish has evighetsblommor, the Dutch Immerdaar.) | |||
Kommentar | |||
Efter en del funderande har jag kommit fram till att en rak översättning fungerar, det blir bättre än att krysta till något mer "blomlikt" namn. Senast uppdaterad: 2016-05-24 19:27:29 |
Tolkien | Åke Ohlmarks |
Evermind | evighetsblommor |
Erik Andersson | Kamelen |
städseminna | evigminne |
Tolkiens översättningsguide | |
Evermind. A flower-name, translation of Rohan simbelmynë. The element -mind has the sense 'memory'; the name thus resembles 'forget-me-not', but a quite different kind of flower is intended: an imagined variety of anemone, growing in turf like Anemone pulsatilla, the pasqueflower, but smaller and white like the wood anemone. Translate by sense. The Swedish and Dutch versions both omit the element -mind, and so produce names equivalent to 'everlasting flower', which is not the point. Though the plant bloomed at all seasons, its flowers were not 'immortelles'. (The Swedish has evighetsblommor, the Dutch Immerdaar.) | |
Kommentar | |
Efter en del funderande har jag kommit fram till att en rak översättning fungerar, det blir bättre än att krysta till något mer "blomlikt" namn. Senast uppdaterad: 2016-05-24 19:27:29 |